S-Duct Test Case

PLEASE NOTE: The host server is no longer available. Please contact the POC for files.

There are 3 geometries, and corresponding grids provided. Please note only 1 is required for PAW participation.

Participant Guides:

Participant Guide for the S-duct

Additional Participant Information

Participant S-DUCT Results Submittal Form

Participant Template




S-Duct_Without_Probes_final.iges: This is the IFCPT duct GEOMETRY with the correct rake installed. No probes are modeled.


IFCPT_BaselineDuct_Rev1.igs: This is the IFCPT duct GEOMETRY without the rake present in the geometry.

IFCPT_IsolatedDetailedProbe.igs: This is a single probe GEOMETRY with instrumentation for those participants who wish to understand the flow field around/inside the measurement hardware.


Grids: please note all of the grids are half-symmetry models


IFCPT_Rake_Assembly.tgz: These are 5 unstructured GRIDS for the  IFCPT S-Duct with Rake Assembly.


IFCPT_Baseline_Structured.tgz: These are the 5 multi-block structured GRIDS for the baseline IFCPT S-Duct configuration.

IFCPT_Baseline_Unstructured.tgz: These are the 5 unstructured GRIDS for the baseline IFCPT S-Duct configuration.

Grid Size Information:

All of the unstructured grids are in CGNS format; whereas, the structured grids are in native binary (little endian), double-precision, PLOT3D format.

The IFCPT_Rake_Assembly.tgz file includes the following grids:

IFCPT S-Duct with Rake Assembly Coarse – 10.394*10^6 cells/4.921*10^6 points
IFCPT S-Duct with Rake Assembly Medium -16.860*10^6 cells/7.183*10^6 points
IFCPT S-Duct with Rake Assembly Fine – 30.624*10^6 cells/11.567*10^6 points
IFCPT S-Duct with Rake Assembly Fine 1.5 – 70.140*10^6 cells/22.168*10^6 points
IFCPT S-Duct with Rake Assembly Fine 2 – 228.416*10^6 cells/59.335*10^6 points

The IFCPT_Baseline_Structured.tgz file includes the following grids:

Structured Baseline S-Duct Coarse – 6.794*10^6 hexes/6.916*10^6 points 
Structured Baseline S-Duct Medium – 10.744*10^6 hexes/10.915*10^6 points 
Structured Baseline S-Duct Fine – 19.701*10^6 hexes/19.968*10^6 points 
Structured Baseline S-Duct Fine 1.5 – 41.767*10^6 hexes/42.228*10^6 points 
Structured Baseline S-Duct Fine 2 – 110.434*10^6 hexes/110.385*10^6 points

The IFCPT_Baseline_Unstructured.tgz file includes the following grids:
Unstructured Baseline S-Duct Coarse – 7.864*10^6 cells/3.398*10^6 points 
Unstructured Baseline S-Duct Medium – 13.167*10^6 cells/5.153*10^6 points 
Unstructured Baseline S-Duct Fine – 24.955*10^6 cells/8.701*10^6 points 
Unstructured Baseline S-Duct Fine 1.5 – 57.285*10^6 cells/17.220*10^6 points

Unstructured Baseline S-Duct Fine 2 – 189.910*10^6 cells/48.390*10^6 points